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2025 Board of Directors

President Kyle Woo President's Email
1st Vice President /
League Rep
Joy Schindler 1st Vice President's Email
2nd Vice President /
Carla Menegaz 2nd Vice President's Email
Secretary Melissa Stultz Secretary's Email
Treasurer Elizabeth Ruppert Treasurer's Email

Job Descriptions:


Preside at all meetings, shall supervise the activities of the team. He/She shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating committee. He/She shall present a report at the Annual Meeting. President shall act as Meet Director, appoint all committee chair people with majority Executive Board approval. Appoint all standing committees and appoint any special committees as needed. President shall have full authority to vote on all League matters in absence of 1st Vice President. President will be a signatory on checking account.

First Vice President

Perform the duties of President in his/her absence. Attend all League meetings as League Representative. Has full authority to vote on all League matters. He/She is responsible for official League Roster of registered members. First Vice President will be trained in all the responsibilities of the President. Works with Secretary on registration. Responsible for notifying Pool Company of meet times and dates as soon as available. First Vice President will be a signatory on the checking account.

Second Vice President

Perform duties of First Vice President in the absence of First Vice President. Attend all League meetings with First Vice-President. He/She is responsible for Ways and Means, (i.e., fundraising activities). The Second Vice-President will be a signatory on the checking account.


Keep minutes of all meetings and preserve in files. Keep all team records, letters of value, and be responsible for all correspondence. He/She shall prepare and distribute maps to meets, prepare and distribute calendar of events and newsletters to members. He/She is responsible for registration including preparation of registration forms along with the First Vice-President. Arrange swimsuit fitting time and distribute information. If new suits are required, present information to Executive Board in January.


Receive and expend all monies. President will also be a signatory of checking account and be able in the absence of Treasurer to act on Treasurer’s behalf. In the absence of the President, the First and Second Vice-Presidents will be signatory on the checking account. Two signatures are required on all checks. All expenditures shall be approved in advance through a budget. Any unexpected expenses in excess of $50.00 shall require approval by Board. Treasurer shall keep accurate records of all team funds, including reconciliation of checking account and preparation and submitting of government forms. He/She shall give financial status report at all meetings with written report to President. Assist Secretary and First Vice-President with registration. Order and coordinate distribution and/or sale of all L.O.S.T. t-shirts. Order sponsor banners with help from Sponsorship Chairperson.

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